Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Plant Profiles: Eastern Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis L.)

Also known as: wild columbine, red-bell, Canada columbine, rock lily, red columbine

Plant Description:
Columbine is a native perennial known for its red and yellow hanging flowers and scalloped leaves. It grows in a variety of conditions ranging from riverbanks to woodland edges. This plant is one of the first to bloom in February through April here in the eastern U.S. (zone 7) and is an important source of nectar for hummingbirds and bees.

Eastern Columbine will grow to about 2 feet tall with 3 foot stalks of multiple red and yellow flowers that hang downward. The compound leaves are divided into three rounded lobes. Aquilegia canadensis will readily hybridize with other members of the genus. Self-seeding.

Plant Culture:
Light: part-shade to light sun
Soil: tolerates a wide variety of soil conditions
Water:  drought tolerant
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Propagation:  seeds must be stratified; transplants easily, water until established

Plant History:

The name Aquilegia comes from the Latin aquila which means "the eagle" in reference to the flower petals which resemble an eagle's talon. Native Americans reportedly rubbed the crushed seeds on men's hands as a love charm. They also prepared infusions to treat hearth trouble, kidney problems, headaches, fever and a wash for poison ivy.


Order Columbine seeds 


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